Internationally Based Projects



Empowerment For Us By Us (E4UBU) is a study conducted in collaboration with the Western Kenya LBQT+ Feminist Forum that seeks to understand cultural conceptualizations of “empowerment” among LBQT women and transgender and non-binary people assigned female sex at birth in Western Kenya. This project is funded by the U-M Center for Global Health Equity.


Uzima Bora

Uzima Bora, which means “a great life” in Swahili, is an exploratory study conducted in collaboration with the Men Against AIDS Youth Group Organization (MAAYGO). The study uses multiple qualitative methods to understand how to best integrate supportive mental health services within existing affirming HIV prevention and treatment services for gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in Western Kenya. This study is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (R21 MH126756).