Julisa Abad

Julisa Abad is a Latina transgender woman from Florida who relocated to Michigan six years ago. Julisa is a polished, honest, and outspoken advocate for LGBTQ equality, as well as issues that face the transgender community including housing, education, victim's assistance, health care, and violence reduction. She is fluent in three languages including Spanish and Portuguese.

Julisa knows that advocacy, outreach, and education are the foundation for a stronger, safer, and more vibrant transgender community. She is a much sought after spokeswoman, trainer, and advisor in metro Detroit and throughout the state.

She has provided information and training on LGBTQ issues at the Michigan Alliance Against Hate conference, to the Southeastern Michigan HIV/AIDS Awareness Council, the Neighborhood Police Officer Summit Empowerment Forum, the Ruth Ellis Center, h.e.l.p Detroit, and the Detroit City Council to name a few. She helped Southeastern Michigan HIV/AIDS Awareness Council prepare a healthcare intake process for transgender individuals, and advised both the Detroit Police Department and the United States Army on building trust and otherwise interacting with transgender individuals. She worked to provide emergency housing, furnishings, and healthcare, helped the Justice Project aid crime victims and find and interview crime witnesses, helped transgender persons to get IDs with the correct gender, and provided numerous interviews and responses to current events to the news media.

Office Phone: (877) 432-4764 Extension 3

Email: lgbtteamabad@gmail.com